Char Yong (Dabu) Foundation Limited Association
Mixed-Development building

(Winner of Singapore Institute of Architects Design Competition)

In collaboration with WeCreate Studio

We are at the inflexion point of a combination of global events that will impact future generations to come. Key issues of environmental sustainability, societal inclusiveness and personal wellbeing are critical concepts that we need to confront now. This needs to be done both at the local setting and in a global context. 

A Singaporean Hakka Village.

We named the development ‘客聚’ (ke ju). This is a nuanced combination of two words - ‘客家’ (ke jia) and ‘聚合’ (ju he).
‘客家’ is the name of the Hakka indigenous group, which literally means ‘Guest Families’. This is representative of the Hakka people’s historical status as ‘guests’ of land occupied by other groups. ‘聚合’ means to ‘get together’, or ‘to gather’. The two words when read together - ‘客聚’ - symbolises a welcoming village where guests from all walks of life can come together. This is the Singaporean Hakka Village. 

Project Details

Year: 2021
Location: singapore
scope: full architectural scope - concept design to implementation
greenmark platinum
Project status: On-going, anticipated TOP in june 2025

Click here to download full competition presentation panels
Read our blog entry for behind the scenes preparation 
